Thursday, April 29, 2010

Me and RA

Prior to my diagnosis a few years back, it wasn’t uncommon for me to be up at 4:00 AM to make the 5:00 spin class, rush home to get the kids ready for school then meet a friend for a run and a coffee.    Life was good.  I was on top of the world!!!  Then it stopped. 
First on my list was to find a rheumatologist.  Easy, right?  Ya, I thought it would be too.    Who knew they were so busy?  I was put on three different appointment schedule books at three different offices and whoever called me first is where I was going to start.    Just call me a gambler!  A few weeks later, I’m off to meet my new doctor.    
My Rheumatologist and I hit it off immediately.  Comes to find out, he is also a runner so he totally understood the importance of getting me back on my feet as soon as possible.  However, this turned out to be a little more of a challenge then I/we were expecting.  I had a year of ups and downs, different medications, and regular cortisone shots in my feet and in my hands.   And as any runner knows,   when you can’t get that rush of endorphins, you tend to get a little cRaZy (or in my case, a LOT crazy!) My outlook on life was not as bright and cheery for this little miss sunshine as it used to be.   
Patience was something I had to learn when it came to my RA.  I wanted instant results.  I didn’t like hearing that it will take a couple months to build up in my body before they start to work.   I was starting feel like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka.  I WANT IT and I WANT IT NOW!!! 
But let’s fast forward to now and things are better.  My current medication consists of Remicade, Methotrexate, Folic Acid, and some “happy pills” to keep my mind sound.    My flare-ups are rearing their ugly head a little more frequently these days but nothing to get too stressed about just yet.    I keep my outlook positive and take each day as it comes!   Off to my infusion. 


I  believe that anyone can do anything as long as three conditions exist: You want to achieve it.  You believe you can achieve it.  You enjoy trying to achieve it. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Shifting Gears

Thanks to some encouraging words from a great friend (Thanks, friend), I've decided to shift gears and go a different direction with my blog.

Four years ago, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Looking back now, I experienced early signs but nothing that really required medical attention until that ONE morning when I rolled out of bed and put my right foot on the floor , it felt like I had jumped onto a box of thumb tacks.

Let me back up just a bit. You see, I am a runner. I have been a runner since I was 12. It is my therapy! It is my drug! It is who I am! When I don't run, I become a super villain a.k.a. "Super Bitch"! Trust me, I do!! So that dreadful morning was the beginning of a very long, very frustrating, journey for this runner who quickly became known as "Super Bitch"!

I wasn't diagnosed with RA right away. I mean, why would RA even come to into my mind? Right? So, with the throbbing pain radiating from my foot, my first call was to a podiatrist. After a short consultation, he ordered some x-rays and there I sat, for what seemed liked hours, waiting in a small room with clay models of feet and posters of anatomy illustrations peppering the walls for his return. "Slight stress fracture" he says as he enters the room. He puts the x-ray on the light board and he circles the bone where HE sees the fracture (although I am not sure I saw it) and that he also suspects the pain in the ball of my foot was due to Morton's Neuromas. He goes on to tell me that neuroma's begin gradually and often occur when wearing narrow-toed shoes or performing certain aggravating activities. blah. blah. blah. He gives me some treatment options and I opt for the injection therapy where he then injected my already "pissed off" foot with some cortisone to deaden the nerve. After I loosen the death grip on my foot, he puts on a medical boot and asks that I come back in 4 weeks for a re-check. Ok. No problem. I can do this. 4-weeks in a boot isn't a big deal right? Right?

I do as I'm told. Four weeks rolls around, I make the appointment and return to the office. X-ray shows that my foot is healed but why am I still having some throbbing on the ball of my foot? Another round of injections and he says to just take it easy, slowly get back into my running as to not re-injury myself and to give him a call if things aren't getting better.

A month or so pass and the pain will come and go. Some good days; some bad. A friend said she thought it sounded like I was having flare-ups. Arthritis? Could it be? So I make an appointment with a different podiatrist to get a second opinion. I explain my symptoms, what has been done thus far and that I don't seem to be any better now than I was when it all started. Blood tests, MRI and another x-ray is ordered.

I returned to the office to get my test results. "Good news and bad news" he says as he walks through the door. "Good news is we have found the reason you are having such pain, bad news is you have Rheumatoid Arthritis." He hands me a card with the name of a couple rheumatologists and wishes me luck. I thanked him for all he's done and as he walked out and shut the door, I remember I took in a deep breath, lowered my head into my hands and just sat there. Numb. I felt defeated at 37 years old. And so my story begins....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Top 10 Health Benefits of Lemon Water

Since I heard about the benefits of warm lemon water, I have had a cup every morning before my green tea. I found this article on listing 10 health benefits of lemon water and I wanted to share with my readers.

Good for stomach

Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water. These include nausea, heartburn and parasites. Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently. Lemon acts as a blood purifier and as a cleansing agent. The intake of lemon juice can cure constipation. It is even known to help relieve hiccups when consumed as a juice. Lemon juice acts as a liver tonic and helps you digest your food by helping your liver produce more bile. It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body. It is also thought to help dissolve gallstones.

Excellent for Skin Care

Lemon, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can participate to cure problems related to skin. Lemon is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. Daily consumption of lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Lemon water if applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars. As lemon is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensation on the skin.

Aids in Dental Care

Lemon water is used in dental care also. If fresh lemon juice is applied on the areas of toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain. The massages of lemon juice on gums can stop gum bleeding. It gives relief from bad smell and other problems related to gums.

Cures Throat Infections

Lemon is an excellent fruit that aids in fighting problems related to throat infections, sore throat and tonsillitis as it has an antibacterial property. For sore throat, dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water and gargle frequently.

Good for Weight Loss

One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. If a person takes lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can reduce the body weight as well.

Controls High Blood Pressure

Lemon water works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation to mind and body. It also reduces mental stress and depression.

Assist in curing Respiratory Disorders

Lemon water assists in curing respiratory problems, along with breathing problems and revives a person suffering from asthma.

Good for treating Rheumatism

Lemon is also a diuretic and hence lemon water can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins out of the body.

Reduces Fever

Lemon water can treat a person who is suffering from cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fever by increasing perspiration.

Acts as a blood purifier

The diseases like cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon water as it can act as a blood purifier.

How much should I drink?
In case you are in good health, it is advisable for you to have juice of one-half of the lemon squeezed into one glass of water, twice daily. However, if you weigh more than 70 kg, juice of one whole lemon in a glass of water should be preferred. For maximum benefit, this mixture should also be taken two times a day, though you may dilute more lemon juice according to your taste if you wish.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It’s the little things….

While still trying to find my place in this saturated world of blogging, I jumped in with both feet with little expectations but with very high hopes.  Maybe I will become a “popular blog” and followed my hundreds perhaps thousands (that’s where the high hopes come in) of fans.   On this drizzly morning, I sat down to check my blog and I saw the most amazing thing!  COMMENTS!!!  I’ve got COMMENTS!!  (Insert happy dance here!)
I received two comments (one on each blog) from readers who aren’t close friends or a family member but rather from fellow bloggers who liked what I wrote.    There is nothing better than a little affirmation when you are just starting out.   It’s the little things that make me happy and inspire me to continue my expectations and yes, even high hopes!!