Rheumatoid Arthritis: You seem to be on my list every time. You are a pain in my ass and I really don't like you. You have also reared your ugliness in a friend of mine and he's just 10. Just not fair! Go away already!!!
The Ball of my Foot: OK. what gives? You've been so nice to me the past year or so and now that I want to train for another marathon, you start giving me trouble again?! Ugh. I may have to lay blame on the running shoes but I will still need a shot of cortisone to make it bearable to run for now.
Red light runners: Pay attention! I saw two cars run the same red light within 5 minutes of each other. Scary!!
Texting while Driving: Yes. I see you! PUT YOUR 'EFFING PHONE DOWN!!!!! Do I need to post pictures of my husbands car that was TOTALED by a driver who was texting and driving? Oh and let me also mention, she didn't make it!!!!
Tropical Storm Hermine: Thanks for all the rain (no, I truly mean that) but the mess you left behind is not welcome!
Tree-Hugging Bitches: Who don't know how to mind their own business!!! GET OVER IT!!!
So as I extend my tallest phalange..... flip off!
Much better! Have a great weekend!!