Thursday, September 15, 2022

Fifty Days

In Life / we celebrate / ...There are milestones, celebrations, acknowlegements that are not celebrated by award shows, parades, parties. Some things are celebrated by hours, days, weeks, months. Today is Fifty Days. Fifty days being AF. And here I am. Not yours. Yet, on a day where day finds me frustrated / irrated. The AF life has been great. Actually has me seeing things more clear and slighty less tolerable I don't want to be that person. Sometimes you take step back Gratitude / Work Ethic - where did it go? My words are out there but not finding the place to use them. today everything has / seems to have to be awarded for acceptance by fancy award shows, elaborate parades, and fancy parties. yet most of the biggest milestones are by hours, days, weeks. months. 50 days - 1200 Hours.

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