Monday, March 29, 2010

Tap Dance

We are a strange couple, Jake and I. We met 13 years ago when he was a young pup. He was still finding his way and me, well, I wasn’t looking to get attached but one look into his brown eyes and there was no looking back.

Once we moved in together, we had some adjustments to make if we going to make this work. He wanted the right side of the bed; it wasn’t big enough for the both of us. He whined and cried when he didn’t get his way. Sometimes I listened; sometimes I didn’t. We took to the trails and mile by mile, we created a friendship that only we could understand. We’ve gone on many trips together to Arizona, New Mexico, and back to Texas.

He wakes me up at 2:00 AM, he paces around the floors during thunderstorms, and he does a tap dance when he is happy or needs to go outside. He has seen me at my worst; he has seen me at my best. He has met my children and he loves them unconditionally. You see, Jake is one of our family dogs. He’s getting up there in age and although we can’t run the trails anymore, we still have that friendship that only we understand. One look into his brown eyes and he still has my heart. He’s a good boy, that Jake, and I’m so happy we met!


  1. Aaww...what a special relationship we are priveleged to have with our dogs. I feel the same about mine. They came into my life without my planning it, then changed my life for good, and even saved my brother's life. One of them passed on when he was 12, no longer able to even move much at all in the end, but he was still devoted and I still miss him 4 years later. I, too, am so happy that my dogs found me.


  2. I enjoyed reading your story. I am a dog lover and hoped with the first sentence that this post was dedicated to your dog. Happy Saturday Sharefest and thanks for sharing a smile!

  3. Right about the time you posted the news of Jake's passing, I heard the song "Feed Jake" on the radio. Though certainly not an uplifting song, it is indicative of the relationship you had with Jake. "...he's been a good dog, my best friend right through it all,..." Hope you're doing better...
